After I start to use EC I figure out that EC is good to learn advertise, for beginner blogger, you can use EC to advertise "Free" well it's not really free because you need some credit to advertise it, but at least you can earn credit by drop other people EC widget. You can read my previous article to find what you can do with EC.
I know there is some people that can't afford advertising by money, or some of them scare to advertise with money, it feels that a big risk to advertise with money. Im not good yet at advertising, so I just do some experiment for EC and trust me... It will increase your traffic and blog popularity... Visit my Entrecard details to see how it looks, and if you want to try it now... Don't forget to make some attractive 125*125 image just like mine.
Related Articles:
Mxyz PTC | Start Using Entrecard
John Cow | The Entrecard Experiment
Nah loh kirain salah masuk blog...hehehe. Selamat buat tampilan barunya. nuansanya mirip celana jeans ya...
Btw id ym saya kan sudah saya kasih diposting blog saat ente ym saya: sir_abi17
hihihi ngga lah.. kan ada inisial "mxyz" nya ini emang celana mas hehehe... bukan tampilan baru sich cuma pas ngirim comment di blog nya mas ngasih Linknya beda :D suka lupa ngasih link yg sama.. btw tq udah mampir.
Oh memang lain blog toh, ic2x...memang punya brapa blog dengan inisial ini bro?
sama2x saya juga makasih udah mampir keblog saya.
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