Dont read it more it will really really make you confuse, so its better if you just go find another article don't read this one its really really not good for your health.
Ok here is the list that I take from define search with google.
- A form of online marketing, search engine optimization (or search engine marketing) is the process of making a site and its content highly
- Search engine optimization.
- Abbreviation for search engine optimization. The process of designing the web site to attract search engine spiders and improve a site's ranking for releant keyworeds within a seach engine's database. This process includes search engine and directory submission, which can require an inclusion fee.
- Optimizing a site to a search engines criteria.
- or improving rankings for relevant keywords in search results by rectifying the website structure, and content such that they could be easly read and understood by the search engine's software programmes.
- techniques that enable your site to appear higher in a list of search engine results.
- SEO seeks to increase a site’s visibility in search engines and enhance its value to visitors through topical page design, consistent HTML tagging, and focusing content on core keywords.
- Type of search engine marketing in which a site is created or modified specifically to improve its ranking among unpaid search engine listings.
- Designing or modifying a website so that it does well in the un-paid, organic listings of search engines.
- Creating and improving a website so that it will rank high in the search engines and help potential customers or clients find the website.
- The practice and methods of optimising a website for high website rankings.
- The practice/set of techniques of optimising your website so that it will achieve higher rankings in the free (organic) listings in search engines.
- Search engine optimisation means designing a website in the best possible way to be attractive to search engine indexing spiders.
Udah ga usah pake definisi yang ruwet2x, intinya tuh gimana agar blog kita berada diposisi terbaik di hasil pencaharian...dan dapet trafik tinggi...dan dapet duit...hehehe...itu definisi SEO dari saya, taruh di nomor 14
Nanti saya berencana pengen ngadain kontes SEO mingguan di abibakarblog, ente ikut yah?
oke siap.... :D klo gampang sich ya ikutan hhehe..
Don't you worry u'll get used to it with time ;) i know know in the beginning SEO is a bit confusing i was feeling same too!
hahaha lol... is just kinda fun for me to make someone confuse :D I love to make people confuse then ask :D
hey Guys..
Jovie pemula banget di dunia Blogging..malu auth kalo BLOGku dilihat orang, hehe..
oh iya..supaya BLOG kita muncul di haman pertama (katanya sih) kita kudu sering ngasih komentar ke sesama BLOG dengan topik yang berguna..dan untuk user name nya memakai nama sesuai dengan topik BLOG, misalnya si pembuat BLOG punya BLOG ttg internet marketing, tiap ngasih komentar taruh user name = bisnis internet, ato sejenisnya..
dan untuk keyword lainnya,
misalnya judul blog kita "seo definition" maka dari BLOgger ngasih URL unik ke kita posting kita tersebut = http://blogmilikkita/2008/06/seo-definition.html..
nah kalo udah muncul gitu, kita edit judulnya dengan kata kunci lain, misalnya "get traffic", maka hal itu akan banyak keyword yang terdeteksi oleh search engine..
sorry, bukan maksud menggurui, Jovie aja baru belajar nge bLOG bulan Mei..dan masih NOL ini adri baca2 di tips blogger lain
Best Regard
Cewek Kroya ^_^
tiap orang teknik seo nya beda2, mungkin yg di posting itu cm yg rata2 sama ama orang2 lain, tp beberapa orang ada yg punya teknik rahasia sendiri. mo gimanapun tekniknya yg penting tujuannya ke list di google kan hehehe...
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