Friday, August 29, 2008

Money Makes Me Crazy

Well I think this one is not blur song, hahaha, but I think it is true that money could make you crazy. Specially if you dont have money hahahah, but what if you have lot of money? does money makes you crazy if you have lot of money? Hell yeah, you gonna confuse how to spend your money, or dont know what to do with your money. Maybe if you have lot of money you can make some donation or advertise on my blog LOL.

But my condition now is I run out of money, I spent to many money since I moved, and live alone. But I think there is a good part that I live alone, I learn to manage my money, earnings and spendings. Few month ago I don't care about my earnings, because I dont have nothing to spend on my real world but now, I think I need to increase my earnings, because I really need some more earnings on the real world.

Solution? Well there is lot of solution for it, sample I have to increase my traffic to my blog and sites, to get more earnings. On this case, I have to choose the best advertising to get more traffic, which kind of advertising? well I guess its my strategy to get more traffic to my blog and sites, the strategy to advertise is depend on my situation this time. This time I dont have much time on PC so... I guess I will make a post next time about my advertising strategy and my strategy to increase my blog and website traffic.

Or you can try to find something new, well try to get something new, new income from website that could help you to earn some money, like today, I found something new that could earn a money from your website. Its called qassia, my friend said that you can get backlinks and earn some money. Well I love to join programs that could earn some money and try every affiliate programs. So qassia is an adsense sharing revenue program. For this time, I only could tell you that qassia is the alternative way to get some backlink from to your website, and maybe next time I will tell you more about qassia when I know how to use it.

So if you cant wait until I make a post about this adsense sharing revenue why dont you just visit the site and then join the program? maybe we can share experience about it.


Anonymous said...


Salam kenal mas,...

Ryan Hidajat said...

hehe sama2 :D

Anonymous said...

aiih neh FS gw knp kuk jd beginian
balikin spt semula

Ryan Hidajat said...

@zzz hehehe kena redirect yah maap2 lagi praktikum :D
kasih kirim commment ke fs gw aja, ntar gw coba buat benerin... maap yah...