Try to compare all of web hosting service that you know, well I think it little bit difficult if you try to search it you self, so try to use this web host rating site. It will really help you to compare web hosting sites.
On that site, you also can find good article about web hosting, including cheap web hosting, Well I guess you can get lot of what you want for web hosting from that site.
Plan what you are you going to use the hosting, you will need a plan and think first before you decide to choose web hosting, for example, like the bandwith and the disk space, for a new blog, you wont need high disk space, just get medium size disk space about 3 Gigabyte to 10 Gigabyte, and get high bandwith traffic.
So just go to webhosting rating and see what you can get there, and I hope that site will help you to get good web hosting service. And I also plan to get a new web hosting with higher bandwith and disk space.
Thank you bro, how are u n how are your new blog doing now fren?
Great info - YE bandwidth does really matter.
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