Friday, January 16, 2009

Whats Gonna Happen If...

Well, few days ago I found a blog which are using my widget, and then removing my credit link, if you wandering how could I know, well... my widget is not a stand alone widget, its not just a simple html, but I could call it as a php script that calls some string. The point is I'm really pissed off if someone who is not respecting other people creation. So please if you really have feelings, please do not remove the credit link, its the only way I get some backlinks, I never don't do much blog comment and link exchange, I only do some research for how to make my link automatically grow by it self without doing anything...


Mariuca said...

Alamak sorry to hear this MXY! I wonder sape yg curi ur widget tu! I'd be angry too if I were you. Anyway, don worry, I will surely support you and your widgets he he! :):):)

Ryan Hidajat said...

well its someone, and something I hate is they live same country... Well actually its not really a big deal, but... I just feel pissed off...

Mariuca said...

MXY! Of coz it's a big deal cause it was your hard work that got the TC widget running in the first place! I oso pissed off for u he he! ;)

.:shev:. said...

may I know what kind of widget they've stolen ?

foongpc said...

Just to let you know I love your Top 10 Commentators Widget. And I definitely will recommend to others : )