Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Exchange links Versus Embedded Link

No more exchange links... why? well I just read something that is better than exchange links. If you still like exchange link well I dont mind if you add my link to your blog or website, but I will not add your link to my blogroll, but I will make some review to your blog...
Why review? Because I found some article in sponsored review blog that links that embed in content is powerfull.

If your trying to increase your search engine rankings though link building, there is nothing better then a link embedded in content.

And I make conclusion that make some review or link embedded in content is better than exchange links, so I try to make people move their custom to do exchange link, and now try to do this, try to embedded a link in your content. Why? because the search engines have created algorithms that give more weight to links appearing to be natural. And Blog post are permanent, even you change your template, it will not change the link inside the content, but exchange links or blogrolling is not permanent, you can lost your blogroll. Well I still dont understand much thing, but I feel that embedded link in a content method is better than exchange link.

Because Im still a noob about SEO and anything about this. I make a polls about this topic. Should I stop the exchange links? and move on to embedded link in content? Everything is depend on you. You vote is really important so please give a vote to this free polls

Nice poll widget is it? hahaha check easy polls you can get one of this too. Its free to create new poll

Your vote is very important. And if you your please leave a comment to communicate we can discuss about it, and feel free to leave a comment and I already kill the rel='nofollow' tag, So you know what I mean and I hope it will make all of you happy, and since I remove the nofollow tag so please no spam. And no link to referral sites.


Mike.... said...

embedded link itu yg kita taruh di postingan yah?
kalo cara ini ampuh,mmg sepertinya begitu bro..banyak juga artikel yg kubaca bilang begitu. tapi exchange link juga tetep perlu deh, karena akan tetep nongol di blogroll kita sehingga memudahkan natinya bila mo kita kunjungi. sedangkan embedded link akan terkubur seiring banyaknya postingan yg kita buat,kan sulit kalo sewaktu-waktu mau berkunjung lagi..kecuali link yg bersangkutan kita masukkan terus di postingan kita...

Mike.... said...

hihihi..mike lg sok tau neh...;D

Ryan Hidajat said...

bener juga sich.. blogroll ama embedded link. tp berhubung saya make technorati buat ngukur ranknya. kayanya walaupun link nya ada di posting yg udah kekubur tetep masih ada. Nah karena bakal kekubur, saya make unpopular post :D jadi postingan yg udah lama ama kurang comment masih bisa nongol. begitu pula yang ngasih commentnya :D mantap kan hihiih...

Anonymous said...

tergantung engine yg dipake bro.

kalo pake blogspot versi beta, link yg di blogroll gak akan kedeteksi baik sama google maupun yahoo. makanya kalo pake blogspot biar kedeteksi ya naruh link itu di postingan, atau istilah ente embedded link.

beda lagi kalo pake wordpress, wah sangat menguntugkan sekali link di blogroll. link kita akan terdeteksi sebanyak jumlah postingan kita. jadi kalo ada 100 postingan, minimal kita punya backlink 100 buah di blog tsb. sedangkan kalo embeded link, ya cuman dapat 1 backlink doang.

Anonymous said...

loh.. bro.. nofollownya masih aktif tuh....

Ryan Hidajat said...

ga ngerti :P hehehe ntar dech diperhatiin lagi :D
udah mas ah... di view soursenya emang masih ada tp diakhir anchor tag url udah ga ada nofollownya, bingung bingung...
di blogger-holic ama di katanya 1 yg dihapus... jadi gmn nich? apa harus 2-2nya???
terus katanya emang ada 2 nofollow tag, yg dihapus 1 aja. Masih blm tau effectnya klo 2-2nya dihapus.

Anonymous said...

2 2 nya dihapus mxy

Ryan Hidajat said...

okey sip :D tar klo ada apa2 bantuin yah hahahah... itungan 1 menit beres :D

Mike.... said...

lho..2-2nya dihapus yah,aq jg baru hapus 1..nah,kalo maen2 ksini pasti dpt info berharga mulu..;D

Ryan Hidajat said...

wkkwkw bagus dech mike... jadi sering2 kesini hahaha... btw make entrecard ama Projectwonderfull dong.. liat tuh masang iklan disini gratis ahahah.. sorry telat bales notificationnya masuk spam :P
bingung nich nyari title yang cocok buat blog...

levian said...

cool !! i should start doing that more often as well. usually i only do it for movies. XD

Anonymous said...

inggris acy jeblok jadi kurang paham banget maksud artikelnya, but exchange links juga penting kan, emang sich lebih menarik embedded link karena tampilannya.tapi menurut acy sama pentingnya, tapi karena cuma ada 2 options jadi pilih ya, karena kelihatannya exchange link kurang mantap. Ini kalo acy gak salah kasih opini yaw :)

Ryan Hidajat said...

What movies??? owh you mean a movie review? and now you gonna review a game? ahahha... dont have to... I already reduce my time to play game.

yah nyante aja :-) ntar dech ada ide saya :D

Anonymous said...

yang dihapus 2 bro.
1. nofollow pada content
2. nofollow pada comment/

Ryan Hidajat said...

udah kan? ga ada lagi di search... ato masih ada yg nyumput?