I found out that many people have wrong input like mike and sweetgirl, if you use copy link location it will automatically give a slash char (/) at the end of your link.
e.g http://domain.blogspot.com/
it was a big mistake... One simple mistake could break everything :-) well this is the programming...
it could make you crazy hahaha... so what you have to do is just put your link without slash at the end of your link
e.g http://domain.blogspot.com
it was a big mistake... One simple mistake could break everything :-) well this is the programming...
it could make you crazy hahaha... so what you have to do is just put your link without slash at the end of your link
e.g http://domain.blogspot.com
I hope it helps you... and if there is more problem just let me know...
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Top Commentator List Widget For Blogger
Updated 29 August 0:43 +7 GMT
If you get any problem for installing please read this post.
Widget Problems
Trouble Shooting
Hehe...since this morning i was like mad to know what was the matter! Thank you again for helping me out, and for the mention ;)
I love to help as long as I can..
i'll try again bro...
bro..it works!!!!
tp yg jd persoalan koq namaku yg di top list..hehehe..bisakah dihilangkan?
trus kalo cm pengen ada 7 toplist aja, kode yg mana mesti diubah..
trims ya bro..
ternyata kalo masukin url ga usah pake 'http' ama 'slash'
bro...problem was solved again!!!
i've made it!!!
trims very much!!!
hehe selamat :D
klo cuma 7 ga bisa kayanya, harus bikin baru +ditambah inputnya... tar dech yah... request aja :D ntar saya coba bikin :D
sip de bro!!tp kayaknya gini aja deh,ga usah diubah lagi..hehehee...
btw mo mnta ijin mempromosikan widget ini di postingan ya bro...nanti aq link ke sini biar tambah banyak pengunjungnya..oke??!!
mungkin besok ato lusa aj aq posting ttg ini,,,
btw bro, tukeran link boleh?
whoahahaha... dengan senang hati :D blm pernah di promosiin gw hheheheh... :">
jadi malu hahah..
iya ntar ditaro linknya :D beberapa jam lagi yah kagok nich...
anchornya numero uno ato mike?
pake nama mikey aja Mr.xyz..
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