is a website that can help you to build referrals, why? because they are using credit system to offer people and visitor to join your referral program.
what kind of referral program I can promote?
Any referral program you want, as long you have credits hahaha... you even can promote your website or blog (but I don't think its good if you are adsense publisher)
how much money do I have to spent to get referral?
you can get a referral using your credit, so you can get referral without spending a cent
how can I get credits to promote my programs?
you can earn some credit by joining other people's referral program, or if you want the fast way, buy it...
how many credits can I earn?
it depends the offer, it between 16 to 38 credits, and you can get more if you join gold member's referral program.
how many credits do I have to spent
various, just go check it by your own I'm tired to explain it, and you keep on asking like that... and is just like a clone site, well they have same banner, same system, and same owner(I wonder why the owner make a same website) but they have different popularity, Programref have more member, and ofcourse if they have more competitors to get referrals. So I hope those websites could help you to get referral, and if you join those sites from this post, I would love to help you to get referrals and credits.
waduh referral tuh apaan yah?kagak ngeri nich, sorry mas sini lahirnya di kutub jadi gak ngerti basa iggris. matur nuwun :)
referral tuh downline :D
hihihi... ato apalah, orang nyebutnya bisa macem2...
i use these sites a lot. i advertise banners and my programs. i get many many referrals. i suggest to use them from time to time to get visitors and referrals.
Permisi saya bantu jelaskan boleh?
Referral sama dengan affiliate atau Indonesia nya affiliasi.
Biasa nya kalau kita reffer/ajak orang lain untuk gabung atau mereka belanja, kita dapat komisi dari pembelanjaan mereka.
Kalau cuma join aja yah mungkin kita dapat poin.
Semacam member get member.
Jadi tergantung perusahaan affiliasi nya.
karena masing2 lain aturan.
Kalau ada yang salah harap maafkan, saya juga masih newbie.
Semoga membantu.
blognya keren boss, smg sukses yahh... wa br blajar soal afiliasi2an, jd blognya sngt bermanfaat:)
okeh sip sama2 moga2 aja bermanfaat :D
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