Congratulations to,
1st Winner that deserve to win 1024 Entrecard Credit is abi bakar (59 points)
2nd Winner with 512 Entrecard Credit is po2ndjm (55 points)
3rd Winner with 256 Entrecard Credit is zalukhu (48 points)
and here is some algorithm for my widget and how I count the point for the contestant.
Date published max 10 points, and reduce 1 point every 24 hours after my contest begin.
Permanent link 20 Points if its true, 5 points if its false.
Technorati authority 20 Points, 10 points if not listed by technorati.
And other scoring points that I cant tell, hehehe because I love secrets.
Congratulation for the winner, I hope they can use the credits to promote their blog wisely and grow their blog, Thank you for all contestant that is already participated, I hope I can make the widget more perfectly and manage better contest next time, I'm so sorry if this contest is not managed very good, this is my first contest and Im just looking for first experience because experience is my best teacher.
I will send the reward right after the winner confirm and leaving a comment here and please let me know if you already receive it and leave message my Entrecard Details
selamat buat yg menang
pertamaxxxxxx....... makin mahal :D
wah cepet amat mas... kwkwkw... saya aja ga tau ini udah terbit postingannya :P
Wew... i am the third winner? Thanks :)
Hello, Great to see some competition on you blog.
Yes they are like sponsored reviews, but I like the L...Worth much more, because they really have a lot more flexibility and Payout. And you Have various choices except the Linkposts.
We'll get to review each other this weekend. what do you think?
Whoa.. I didn't know you have some Entrecard contest here with big prizes. Maybe I'll be joining your upcoming contest. :-)
Cheers and happy blogging...
prize already sent :D congratz
I already make the post but it will published on friday the 13th HAHAHA... sounds scary right...
uhmm yeah it just a quick contest, its my first contest anyway and testing my widget to detect the contest :D
you should participate next time...
Haduhh".. Ga nyangka bisa dpt juara 2.. hehe.. makasih buat hadiahnya.. sukses trus buat mxyzplk
Selamat buat yang juara...
Ditunggu kontes selanjutnya... saya ngga ikutan yang ini.. soalnya ga make entrecard... hiks... Om MX, kapan-kapan bikin kontes bikin widget atau templet dooonng... huhuhuhu... biar kita bisa nebeng donlot templetnya.. hehehehe..
Btw, Juragan yang jadi jawaranya mana nih???
Coba nengok ke blognya aaahh...
iye menang hoki widgetnya cm detect yg diperluin doang ahahahaha...
kmn aja kau dah lama ga mampir :D, klo widgetnya ga perhubungan ama duit ato traffic ga akan diposting disini hahaha... terus klo kontes bikin widget pastinya biayanya mahal...
wadowhh..gara2 telat ikut entrecard ga bs ikut kontesnya neh...hehehe..
iya nich... entrecard bagus buat yg suka blogwalking... dapet credit pula terus chance dikunjungin baliknya %60-70% klo bisa sich bikin artikel tentang entrecard yg bhs indo mike..
Asikk...asikk asiiik gw menang this cheerful occasion i'd like to thank to my God, parents, all people i love and i know, toekang ba'so, toekang bakmie, dan semua
n special thanks to mxyz...whatever ur name is:))
dan ucapkan maaf karena baru bisa mampir lagi karena seminggu kemarin koneksi saya ngadat total, mau kewarnet males banget, ya akhirnya cuti sementara dari dunia ngeblog, dan alhamdulillah sekarang saya kembali dan dapet hadiah...:d
nah akhirnya orangnya dateng juga :D kwkwkw... segera dikirim creditnya
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