I realize when I finish my widget, that I don't do nothing, or make something hard, its to easy and to simple, I was expecting to put some backlinks on the widget, I don't like to put a backlink on something that not deserve for a backlink (backlink maniac this time), then I try to just to put the RSS feed to blogger page element, and it does really works, but only 5 recent dropper, and 5 Top Dropper that can be listed on the Widget or whatever you call it.
Then I try to find something different, but I don't have any good idea how what to do with the RSS from entrecard, well maybe next time or next day. So I just try to make a video tutorial for recent dropper and top dropper for blogger, or maybe could be put in any blog platform this video tutorial is just a basic to play with RSS I hope this video will help and useful for you.
please bookmark this post if you feel its useful and it will help me to get full version for the program and grow my blog.
kalo recent dropper emang dah ada RSS feednya. Tapi kalo top dropper pake apa bro?
hohoho... ada juga kok rss nya, diliat di statistic...
wah..wah..video tutorial kedua nih bro?sip deh...cm aq lom join2 ke entrecard neh..katanya sulit kalo blognya bahasa indonesia gtu..benarkah?
count on me :) . I started visiting your blog from few days back...c u soon.
gosip ah gampang kok...
so I will do the same thing too :D
Waduh waduh...
pada ngomong apa sih?? gak ngerti...
wow this is useful as well !! including the first, n i'm already connecting to others directly !! *excited* :D
its useful? ahahhaha good :D I hope it helps... Im very glad if my post is useful for other people..
it definitely is !!
i can now finally be "active" in the Entrecard World. :D
hahaha cool... that is a good news :D congrats...
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