Friday, June 27, 2008

More About Entrecard

After using this Traffic booster about a month, now its time for me to make a final post about entrecard(maybe), so I use entrecard is to increase my traffic, you can also use entrecard to increase your website traffic and do some advertising without spending a money. You even can increase your traffic up to 100% or even more. It depend how hard you work on it, and how much you want it.

I still have lot work to do and learn more about SEO, traffic and content quality, using third party program have benefit and detriments, I already post some of them in my other post, but I forgot where is it. Or maybe you can try to search it with my google custom search for it.

1. Entrecard can give you a big site traffic.
2. Advertise your website and blog without spending a cent.
3. You have a chance to advertise in a famous blogger.
4. Shopping in entrecard(you can spent EC credit)
5. Find new friends and Connections in Entrecard Forum.

1. Bad quality traffic
2. High bounce rate
3. Low pageviews

Well nothing is perfect, everything have weakness, but I still try to find out how to reduce the high bounce rate and low pageviews from Entrecard. I do lot of experiment to reduce this high bounce rate from entrecard, and low pageviews. I also have few video tutorial for entrecard basic tutorial for entrecard, from how to drop and advertise. Well I think there is no end to discuss about entrecard, so its not the end, maybe next day I will post something about it again.


Mike.... said...

kayaknya ni orang bakalan jd ahli entrecard,,,hehehe...kalo aq kayaknya lg menunggu waktu didepak dr entrecard...

Ryan Hidajat said...

hehe simplenya Entrecard --> traffic --> $$$

Anonymous said...

You mention "bad quality of traffic" yet I don't believe this is true. Sure you always have people looking for ways around "working" (come talk to me about affiliate programs sometimes lol!), but overall I believe people are seriously on the lookout for ways to meet new people and establish firmer friendships and partnerships online. Also, thanks for the visitors you send my way when my widget is on your blog :)

Anonymous said...

I've used it for about a month also. My bounce rate has gone through the roof but I've found several interesting and helpful blogs on my daily e-card rounds.

Ryan Hidajat said...

well there is lot possibility for high bounce rate. Not just entrecard, I guess my content its not interesting enough for visitor :D and I still have lot work to do for it...