Saturday, June 28, 2008

Time To Laugh

Okay its time to laugh again... its gonna be hard to leave comment, if you wanna laugh, just shout it, just laugh at the comment hahaha... its gonna be hard to leave comment beside "hahaha" so have fun with your weekend. Forget everything about SEO, Traffic, and earnings, just enjoy this heavy duty video.


Anonymous said...

nice job mxyzplk

very good video, it is good to remember to have fun and laugh and to break from all this internet madness.

i am guilty !!! lol

on a side note, what is link to your heros section? i was thinking of a countdown until season 3 airs. it is almost here !!! along with many other shows starting in the fall, entrouage, deadwood (hopefully), 4400, smallville (i don't watch), scrubs (hopefully) and a few others, sorry for offtopic, but i look through the blog and didn't find the appropriate place !!!

Ryan Hidajat said...

lol... its up there :P I havent update that blog anymore... run out of idea. and I prefer a good unique content for heroes. hahaha you can leave comment anywhere you like my friend :D

Mike.... said...

woa...program refreshing setiap akhir pekan ih,bro..he..he..
ini video iklan!!

vOe said... sempet kaget ngelihatnya..CPD...mlh org2 pada takut beli tuh alat....cocoknya buat memasang baut traktor segede rumah...