Anchor Text : Anchor text is the text that you click on to activate and follow a hyperlink to another web page or another web site.
Alt Tag : Alt tag refers to the text that is associated with an image. This originated from when web browsers were not universally available as "Graphical Browsers" so the "Alt text" was a description used to describe the image. Now adays it is also used in the "mouseover" text popup that appears when you move your mouse over a graphical image.
Algorithm : Recommended patient management strategies designed to direct decision making, such as a structured flowchart, decision tree, or decision grid.
Authority : the number of blogs linking to a website in the last six months. The higher the number, the more Technorati Authority the blog has (technorati authority).
Backlink : any link from another web page to your own (aka Incoming link).
CPA : Cost per Acquisition or also known as Cost Per Sale. This is typically an average dollar amount to the total cost in clicks it takes to convert to a sale.
CPC : Cost per click. This is a frequent term used in PPC terminology. It refers to the cost associated with each click.
CSS : Cascading style sheet is A stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in a markup language.
DMOZ : Other name for Open Directory Project
External Link : Other link that placed on your blog or website beside yours.
Internal Link : Link that placed on your blog or website, opposite for external link.
Inline Link : Link that placed in a word or phrase, aka text link.
Keyword : An important word in the abstract, title, subject heading, or text of an entry in an electronic database which can be used as a search term.
Keyword Density : Represents the frequency these keyword words appear in a page or in an area of a page. It is a critical issue for search engine ranking-the more.
Landing page : Generally speaking, the web page that a person reaches when clicking on a search engine listing or ad. This is commonly the home page of the site but it can be any. For paid advertising, it is common to have multiple ads, each one linking to a specific web page on the site that is targeted specifically for that ad.
Link popularity : A general term referring to the number of incoming links to your site.
Link Quality : A general term referring to link reputation and link strength. Links with high quality are those where the PageRank of the linking page is high.
Link Reputation : A general term referring to how closely link text matches the title of the page the link is on and, more importantly, the text on the page that the link points to.
Link Strength : Dependent on the PageRank of the linking page as well as the number of other links on the page. Also referred to as link voting power.
Pagerank : Formula developed by Google to determine a web pages "inbound link ranking" Often referred to as "PR" value.
PageViews : Number of times your webpage was viewed. Includes duplicate views by the same visitor.
PPC : pay per click
PTC : acronym for paid to click, basically you will get paid for clicks or get click.
woa..ada kamus online dsni..
good job,bro..
Mxyz wow John numpang iklan disini (di entrecard). Mantab!
Although I don't understand Indonesian, I got things your friends said! :) It is truly a good job and nice promoters on your EntreCard, any way It is really nice to find detailed explanations on your blog. ;)
hahaha let me translate it...
mike said "wow there is an online dictionary here"
and abi said "wow john chow is advertising on this blog using entrecard" Cool!
btw I think I cancel the post about SEO and I got a freelance for this holiday lot of project to do... wohoo...
trus gmana caranya bung. lagi bingung banget gw.
rebes boss. akhirnya jadi juga. thank's banget. loe the best tutor. gw gak bisa bilang apa2 lagi. makasih banyak
tapi ngomong2, kayaknya gw di kerjain deh. koment di blog yg itu gak bisa-bisa. hea..ha....
blognya udah saya link.!!! makasih.. 1000x
oh ya? wkwkwkkw itu kayanya lupa setting embed comment :P belom dirubah hahaha... walah itu ada yg kurang rapih... klo ada keluhan contact aja :D
kapan2 gw pengen nanya loe cara bikin widget recent posting kayak punya si Mimbar demokrasi di blog gw, sebelah kanan sidebar bawah. kayaknya keren tuh..!!! itupun kalo ente kaga keberatan.
kayaknya pelajaran hari ini cukup..!!
thanks for the glossery, it will serve me well while i read your blog
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