Friday, July 25, 2008

Socialize is The Key

Last post make a post about blogging network. Do you need to grow your blog network? let me tell you my plan to grow my network. Well for me, I'm not a rich guy in internet yet :D maybe one day I will hahaha, the most important thing for blogging is Friends, sometime lot of people doesn't realize how to use a social bookmarking website to increase their traffic to their blog, what I saw in lot of blog post about how to increase blog traffic is with social bookmarking but is kinda hard to find how can social bookmarking or other web 2.0 application to increase your blog traffic. Maybe you only could found it in a bookstore, but if you can understand my post, you can get it for free.

So let me give the list of social bookmarking that I use, that could give me some traffic, and of course for you too.
note: all of the social bookmarking link goes to my profile page, why? because I am expecting you to add me to be your friend ahahahha...

Digg Social bookmarking
The most easiest way to get traffic to your blog. What you have to do is just submit your post. And then share it to all your friends, and let all of your friends help to spread your blog post

StumbleUpon is a web browser plugin that allows its users to discover and rate webpages, photos, videos, and news articles(web definition from wiki) I'm not good at stumbleupon yet, but few days ago, I check my google analytics, there is someone who stumble my blog post, and it really give me a bunch of traffic. I'm still learning how to use it.

Well technorati doesn't help much, I use technorati just for fun and to measure my technorati authority, I'm still learning how to get traffic from technorati.

So, if you really want to grow your blogging network, start to make friends from every social bookmarking. More friends more traffic to your blog, and don't be my fan, be my friend. Is there any social bookmarking that could give you good organic traffic? please let leave comment and let me know. And if there any request to make some video tutorial, maybe I will make one for you, and please share your traffic source.


Anonymous said...

Sure I will Just a several days Later - Ok! Just busy with my diploma. ;)

Anonymous said...

oi PRnya naik 2