Saturday, August 9, 2008

Idea to Make Money

Okay, let me start again, last post is about... uhmmm owh high paying keywords, and after I do some search for high paying keywords, and the high paying keywords is dominated by loans, mortgage, and insurance. Well it is possible, if you take a look to affiliate networks, loans, mortgage, and insurance have a high payment leads. But I don't have good experience and knowledge about loans, mortgage and insurance. Uhmmm I'm still thinking a good idea for it. And I have idea to start to make a personal profile site. Sounds silly but I think I could make money from personal profile site. Wanna hear my idea? I'm sharing my idea for free here...

This time I take social networking profile site like facebook, myspace, friendster - I don't want to give the link to you because im worried you gonna know my real name hehehe -
Take a look at friendster profile or facebook. Have you heard the best way to blog or to make a website is to start with something you like? maybe some of you already heard it, and this method is used by social networking to trigger the ads.

And it means your hobby is your money maker, and how much your cost, its how much you will earn. For example, your hobby is shopping, and then you want to start to make money from internet. Its easy, your hobby is shopping then, try to go for more specific shopping, like shopping some dress, or shoes. Then start to blog about dresses or shoes. And then put the ads or affiliate links to dresses or shoes. You don't need to worry about adsense, because adsense is automatically generate the links.

And this time I realize that my blog doesn't have a good niche. Reason is, I realize that there is thousand way to earn money from internet. And that is the problem, too many way, and it makes me always try to find new way to earn money from internet. And maybe adsense is not good enough for dynamic pages like blog. But I cant leave adsense yet, because I haven't found a way to sell from internet and make a lead. And I even don't know yet what am I good at. This blog will still here, and posting about making money idea's and I also start to make a website again. Next post I will try to explain more specific about making money from hobby. And to make some categories. And please share your hobby, it will help me for my next post to make hobby categories, and to list money making list from your hobby.


Chirag Jain said...

Hi! Loved your blog. came through digg and yes, i did digg it. Lets be friends on digg.
You’re now on my rss reader!

Ryan Hidajat said...

wow... that fast??? hahaha... I even haven't shout on digg :P thanks chirag...

Anonymous said...

Hai bro how are u?

Ryan Hidajat said...

hohoho.. litel bit bisi hahahaha... preparing for website and new blog ;)

Firdaus Ariefatosa said...

bro.. alus pisan ieu.. ups..

that's it. the idea, we all need that.
too many way means NO way.. he..he..

thanks for sharing your.. idea. :)