Sunday, August 10, 2008

Make Money From Your Hobby

The most fun thing to do some favorite things like your hobby, I guess every body likes that, so I have some few people responding my thread on internet marketing forum, on internet people could earn some money from their activity. I will give some well I guess you realize that you already making money from blogging, make some reviews, selling links, socializing and clicking some ads. I will list some people hobbies on internet that could earn some money.

1. Scripting I guess if you are computer nerd, your hobby is making a script. Its the most good hobby with good earning if you love to make a script. I recommend you to hangout in Digitalpoint forum to make some earnings there.

2. Make a review, lot of blogger do some reviews, and the most expensive review I know is $1000, well you can imagine if you are a good reviewer and you make $1000 for one review. I recommend you to read my post about blog reviews to make money from reviews.

3. Playing games, even playing games could earn some money. But I'm not telling you about gambling, but MMORPG games. Like world of warcraft, you can trade your stuff with real money. (PS I retired playing games so I don't know much about it anymore)

4. Helping peoples, if you love to help people, let me tell you how to earn some money from helping peoples. Go to Y! answers, find some good topic that you know or something that related to your blog topic. And find some questions that you can answer, and leave your blog post or affiliate link to the web source.

5. Sharing pictures, there is some site I know that you can get some earning from your picture that you upload. So wanna make money from sharing picture.

6. Clicking, I guess people prefer to do this simple and easiest way, I know people love to clicks. Every thing starts from clicks in here. Try to find some good ptc sites if you want to earn by clicking.

7. Reading, searching, posting etc... hehehe... there is still more, you can find do some search with keyword get paid to. There is lot of offer you can get from things you like to do. Just do some search, maybe you can try to find get paid to laid hahahaha...

This is it for now, maybe next time if I found some other new way to earn money from internet. But I will try to focus with adsense and blogging first. I'm still bad for making some leads and sales.

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