The contestant must be Entrecard member. why? Because I only can give a EntreCard credit this time for the prize. Well I confuse what am I going to do and how to spend my Entrecard. I and Im not good yet to advertise, So I just want to give my Entrecard credit for someone hehehe... And I loved to do something that I haven't do, like make a contest...
If you interested to participate this contest then you should start to be a Entrecard member. Many bloggers make a question about "does entrecard increase your traffic?" the answer is yes... And I found a blog post about Boosting your traffic with entrecard, you wont know the effect if you haven't try it. And Entrecard is used by many adsense publisher, so don't be worried to get banned by adsense.
This day is the 2nd week I join entrecard, and I dont get any warning from adsense. Its different when I try to promote my site on 2 years ago hahaha... I got warning just in one day. So do you interested to participate on my first Entrecard contest?
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Learn to advertise with entrecard
Start Using Entrecard
ente ngadain contest gitu?
trus penjelasan tentang Kontesnya mana?
wkwkkw blm... kan persiapan dulu, next post rulenya...
1000 Entrecard cukup ga menarik ga yah?
Am looking forward to this contest!
Thank you for the comment... I still make a preparation on it, and im using a widget for this contest. I just want to make this contest interesting for other people and I want to have a good reaction.
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