I will explain a little bit about it, This widget will only list last month top comment, you can also set the number of the top commentators, the update is only once a month of course its only once a month thats why I call Top Comment Of The Month, Im not using it yet because its useless for me, because I don't have any comment last month hihihi... so I use other blog for a demo and it really works, I guarantee it works for you that already have comments last month...
The bad thing is I dont have a comment last month :( so I cannot try it for my self :( so you should try it... I hope its a better widget then before.
You can put your link and this widget just for $10 leave comment for offer or you can send message to me.
owh dont forget... put your link like this mxyzilic.blogspot.com without slash at the end and without http:// because im worried if you have a problem with it and I cant track down who is using it :D
Updated 29 August 0:43 +7 GMT
If you get any problem for installing please read this post.
Widget Problems
Trouble Shooting
so if you like this widget usefull please help me to go to serbia
Great widget, Mxyz. Heard about this widget from Mikey.
See you around.
Greetings and lots of love from Malaysia.
nah..nah..nah...akhirnya muncul juga...hahahaa...dicoba ah...
ini khusus blogspot kah?
@chodirin, ini hanya untuk blogspot...kok gw yang jawab? hehehe
how about "top commenters" without the "last month" part ??
*puppy eyes*
bisa engga ya listnya ditampilin dlam bentuk inline list...?
tinggal tambahin kode2 ini ke dalem kode css, misalnya ke main-wrapper dll
selanjutnya tinggal bereksperimen :)
-moz-border-radius: 15px;
-webkit-border-radius: 15px;
kode ini cuma berlaku buat Mozilla Firefox, browser lain belum bisa
ups! komen nya salah tempat :D
wkkwkw sante2 bebas :D
I think I already have that?
@abi bakar
hehehe iya nich pusing mas ngeremove nofollow tag :P
bisa aja sich mas buat WP tp bingung input klo mau harus inden wkkwkw...
but not with the "i can choose how many i want to show" function. *puppy eyes*
knpa punya saya gak bisa yah. ada yang error kah.?
okey.. gara2 ini nih. makanya gak tidur gw. hahahaha. sialan benar
hi thanks for the code. but How Many Commentators is not working. I put value 10 but it appears only 5 in the list. or did i make a mistake? ;)
uhmmm I forgot, I think I set the max is 5, hehehe...
great widget. thanks for this again.
finally I found this widget!
I am using the other top commenters widget, but I wanted to filter it and post the top commenters of the month too..
I am using both in my site :]
-top commenter of the month (yours) and top commenters from bloggerbuster.
thanks for the share!
Thanks for the visit and the compliment about my template.
Hope you'll fix the problem soon..
keep up the good work.
Nice again :]
hi.. i have grab the code but it was not working.. :(
MXY!!! Happy 2009 to you!
Nak cakap sikit widget I dah stop working for 2 weeks! It is showing my older commenters and not the current ones. I don know what happened but one day it just changed my commenter list on its own and has not been moving since then. Pls come check it out at Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery . Sedih ni takde TC widget! :(
Some of my friends are experiencing the same problem, I'm wondering if u can help me out, thanks so much! :):):)
Thanks you Marzie,
First thing I dont do any widget things at this time but I guess I found the problem for 2 of my widget for top comment of the week and top comment of the month. I'm really sorry that im really busy for my wordpress blog and working for wordpress plugin.
But I will try to find out and fix it, I guess the problem is from blogspot update. And its little bit hard for me to maintain the widget because I dont have any commentator anymore this past 3-4 months. I will let you know about the widget problem on my post.
MXY! Thanks so much for ur fast response. I suspect it is a blogger update as well. Alamak kesiannya takde commenter past 3-4 months! Takpe, i datang mengomen he he!!!
I really hope u can be the smart genius to fix this problem, tak best la takde TC widget. Some blogs are not affected but there are others like me who's been having this prob. Anyway, I will wait for ur post, good luck and thanks again! :):):)
okay thanks... so I will find out if you comment counts, at this time you are at 8 Position with 12 comments and I wonder if that will change or not.. just need about 2 more comments and a few hour...
Sorry to be such a pain...but my #1 commenter has left 5 comment and my #5 commenter has left 6 comments and my #3 has left 2 comments. Any suggestions on how to fix it? Thanks :)
Hi! i've put this widget in my blog but I wonder why, How Many Commentators seem to be only 5 although i set it to 10? and my top 5 commenters list is not even accurate. can you fix it?
I get the same problem too. Any feedback would be appreciated. :)
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