Yeah time to review my own first widget... im not gonna explain how to use it here because I already explain how to use in
Top Comment for blogger with backlink.
What is it for?
well with this widget it will make visitor to leave comment on your blog. And it will make more visitor (is it?) hahaha I still have problem with visitors... Well at least your visitor will be happy to be listed at the top commentator list and kinda symbol to respect the visitor and reader who leave the most comment. So they will be more active to leave comment not just
hit and run (my own definition for someone who use entrecard just to drop). Well sometime I do hit and run at their chat box ahhahaha... just to show the blog owner that I have been there.
So back to the Top Commentator Widget, You can try to use it here. or and I share the widget too to put it on your blog. Just fill the data below and click Customize and then add it to your blog.
You can put your link and this widget just for $10 leave comment for offer or you can send message to me.
I really appreciate if you using it and not changing the code :D and it means supporting me too to grow my blog...
and if you like it please make some review for it. hahahaha... just a simple code with this blog url on it :D
don't forget to leave comment, so I can see how is the widget look and your blog...
Updated 29 August 0:43 +7 GMT
If you get any problem for installing please read this post.
Widget Problems
Trouble Shooting
NEW UPDATE 12/05/09
Checkout this post Advantage Using Top Commentator Widget
Update 12 May 2020
After 12 Years..
On 4th June 2020, there will be a new software launching to generate traffic from expired domains, broken links and get high authority DA Domains, check out
MyTrafficJacker 2.0 Review
2023 Updates
The one and only page that indexed on Google, I don't know why.
Trying to get backlinks from this page.
The top commentator Widget is really great! I think something is wrong with mine any comments left on my blog doesn't appear in it, i need to retry and see :)
It's still not working :( Is there any amount of comments that should be reached to be in the top commentator?
hahahah... no its not... I try to debug it from yahoo pipes for your blog, and it works... is there any IM to chat live? so I can guide it...
Yes yes works perfectly!!!! cool am so happy really thank you very much dear :)
your welcome... and I see my comment post there hehehe...
halo,bro..sedang dicoba nih widget-nya...
trims yaa..
ga jalan yah mas :D
coba hapus "/" di akhir linknya...
saya liat dari source code blognya
harusnya aja jangan make "/"
can i filter like more than 3 names or more?if yes,please drop me a line or two on my blog and i would highly appreciate it.thanks.
yup... you can... the setting for this one is, this setting is already have a default input to filter admin and anonymous. and you need to put manual input for your nicknames. But... if you want to manually add more filter you can change the pipes source..
Should i write in english? hahaha...
Ok, it's a really nice widget! Actually, i've beeen looking for it for years.. lol... but I only have the one that Amanda developed. Well, may I distribute this widget of yours in my blog???
well the first idea is from amanda, and I modified some pipes, and feel free to use it and distribute it...
Lapor!!! The post about your new widget has already posted. You can see it on my blog.
If I may suggest (or request?), please try to develop TOP MONTHLY COMMENTERS widget for blogger... it is great thing i guess..
Oh, once again thank u bro!!!
uhmmm I already done for it... Top Commenters for last month. Should I post it now? or next month?
wah..ini kayaknya bakalan ada widget baru..hehehe..ditunggu bro!!!
wow this rocks !!
thank you so much for the guidance,
i was wondering why it didn't work.
by the way, can i make it display other number of commenter ?? maybe 5 or something ??
your welcome... well you can, but not now :P I have to make a new widget, its already prepared but I haven't publish it yet. Still thinking the good one. any more suggestion?
can't wait !!
*chanting: publish! publish!* :D
that's all i can think of right now.
being able to calculate the comments honestly rocks !!
Hola! I tried installing the widget at my blog, but the names won't appear! :( Will try again later, cause I really like this widget! :)
Oh I just tried it again and the links appeared, but they are linking back to the blogger comment profile page, rather than the blog address, SOS! :)
hello mrs maurica, are you sure its mine? if you need some live help you can go to my contact, because I confuse how to send message to you.
Hola, I'm back! My widget is up at Mariuca, can u come see if it's working okay? :):):)
yup I see it :D I think its working perfect... Congratulation, and for the the profile link, it because they send comment with blogger profile :D
Hi there.. great improved widget.. great job.. I have it up and running at both my blogs.. thanks a million :)
YAY! I am using ur widget for both my blogs now and have written a post on ur widget at my blog, thanks again! Hope ul get more bloggers to use ur widget! :)
wohoo your welcome mam... it will help me to grow my link too :D
few month a go I try also make top comment of the month but I think its not perfect yet :D you can have a request for it.
I saw your widget at Mariuca'a place...and I've put it on my blog..great !! and thank you :)
great widget! thanks! Happy Weekend!
wow wow wow... big thanks for mrs mariuca... this post is exploding now... hahaha and thank you for all mom's who leave's comment here.
I've been looking for ways to show my appreciation for my visitors and commenters, and this widget is a very helpful one. Thanks for creating this.
Btw, I came here from Mariuca's blog.
thank you for coming... I really appreciate it, and mariuca help me to get this post popular :D
i was looking for this widget for a long time. the widgets i tried does not work but yours worked on my blog the first time i used it.
thank you for leaving comment, well I guess you just have to wait for awhile, I dont see any problem. I guess it just need a little time to proses your feeds.
mampir ahh.... halooo
brother brother,,, i am sedang nyobain ini... oke bro..
wah kemana aja dikau :P
oke oke... hohoho... yg top comment of the monthnya juga udah mantap kok :P samplenya kaya yg di mikey.
bung aku mau nanya lagi nih, koq top commentnya rada2 aneh githu, comentator pertama si Eucalyptus itu sebenarnya udah comment kurang lebih 23 kali, koq yang kebaca cuman 19 yah. bingung saya... sementara yang di bawah-nya itu tetap ter-update. ada yang salah yah.
mohon penjelasan guru... he..he..
selamat malam and selamat meraup dollar.
wkwkkw... gini2 penjelasannya...
databasenya disetting buat 5000 comment, nah misalkan blognya udah nerima lebih dari 5000 comment, otomatis ada yg berkurang. Apalagi kalo eucalyptus ga ngirim comment baru.
jadi aja berkurang hahaha... tp solusinya udah gw bikin widget baru kok. Jadi semuanya direset ulang tiap minggu :D tunggu hasilnya okey
oooo... githu toh. tapi emang apa comment di blog aku udah lebih dari 5000, saya hitung2 blom tuh bung.
tapi eucalyptus ngasih commnet trus. kira2 udah 23.
widget barunya kapan nih, he.. he..
maaf guru, saya ngerepotin. maklum agak katrok
5000 itu dari awal ngeblog :P hehehe... ga tau sich totalnya berapa, klo di set lebih dari 5000 ntar ga bagus ke blognya, ntar berat. Besok dech di posting, skrg masih dicoba. hehehe... Biar ga ketinggalan subscribe ke email hahaha..
comment aku baru 513, bukan 5000. atau jangan2 cuma 500 guru, bukan 5000.
oke deh, dengan senang hati saya akan menunggu postingannya. he..he..
oyah.. kira2 widget apa yang harus saya kurangin dari blog saya biar bisa enak untuk naruh widget lainnya. seperti top comment yang kamu posting di atas
wkwkwkw ada YM ga? biar enak ngobrolnya? klo ada ym coba ke bagian contact details aja. Jadi ga cape hehehe...
oke deh. ini ym aku
pertanyaan terakhir bung sebelum benar2 OFF.
sebenarnya aku pingin bikin top commnet kayak postingan yang ini. kata guru, widgetku kebanyakan. menurut guru. widget mana yang harus aku hapus.
seandainya ada, entar aku hapus.
I'm posting from the US! I also found your widget on Mariuca. I found her via entrecard.
I just added your widget to my blog about 10 minutes ago. It still has not added any top commentors.
Do I have to give it more time to 'scan' all of my commentors?
Thanks for sharing!
... been about 4 hrs and still not working. Still give it more time?
hello SF, im really sorry for late reply... Just woke up, for that problem try to remove widget first, and then reinstall it again... do you mind to leave your blog url? so I can check it.
No worries! Thanks for responding! I removed the widget then reinstalled. We'll see what happens next!
I think you may have my url, but here it is:
Thanks so much for your help and for sharing!!
It worked! Almost. I removed the www., but my comments are listed in the top as well.
How do I remove my name?
Thanks again!
OK. I've just about got it!
Except for some reason I still have 2 user names in the top ten. Strange.
Can you enter multiple user names in the filter? How do you separate them?
Your English is just fine! No worries! Thanks!
Thanks for all of your help! I think when I first started my blog, I used different names before I decided on SF.
I think as others leave more comments, those will get pushed out of the top 10.
I won't run any contests until then!!
Thanks so much. I love my new blog toy!
your welcome :D
I cannot work it on my blog too..
Could you help?
Big thanks before..
Nginstal blog teh maksudnya kumaha?
ngisi2 di dlm situ.. trus customize, trus add to blogger,
Nah kluar di blogspot nya begini nih:
We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request.
The following errors were found:
sectionId: Required field must not be blank
So so??
Thanks.. really great tool.. I have to copy the script and paste in html/javascript gadget box..
Now, it's work!!
Hi there. Was guided here by Mariuca. :)
I installed it but it still hasn't shown the top 10 commentators. Do I have to wait a while longer?
I've been searching for so long for this widget..thanks. it works perfectly well :)
Hello, saw this widget in two blogger friends of mine, Mariuca and Lady Java. It works for me! Thanks a lot! Woof!
i can't remember if i got here via Lady java or mariuca' site (I am an EC dropper), but thanks so much!!!!
My old top commenter widget (from te incredible Amanda) was not working.
I have a question, how do I modify your code to include more than 9 commenters? Do let me know. Thanks!!!
I have added it to my blog, just waiting for it to load the commenters names now ;)
i used to use blogger buster, but i have seen this around so much i just had to join in too lol
MXY!!!! Your widget is for the last 500 comments kan? Any way I can increase it to at least 1000 comments?????? Lemme know kay, thanks!! :):):)
uhmmm its last 5000 :D
Hi Mxyzplk,
I added the widget but the names still arnt showing. does it usually take a couple of days to show up?
okay mrs Tina, what you have to do is try to remove the widget first, and then re-install the widget, if it should be just in a few minutes not days, if its still not working...
I will try another way or host it on other site, not on your blog... and let me know if the problem after you re-install the widget.
I will try my best to make it work on your blog..
i like it..thank you very much
I just changed my old Top commenter widget! using this one! thanks a lot for sharing this! :]
Lapor BUng..gue mo nanya nih, widget dah aku pasang, tapi ada yang aneh, knp yang muncul cuma beberapa komentator aja yang lainya kok ga ikut muncul, sampe2 aku kena protes bung, coba sih dicek keblog saya, padahal yang komentar dah lebih dari 8 orang,ada beberapa orang yg ga muncul, ada masalah apa gerangan yach bung? mohon bantuanya...makasih
Hi, I've been using top commenter widget from Blogger Buster but it didn't work after some time, don't know why. So switched to yours.
I would like to know if you also have widget for Most Popular Posts, cos the widget from Blogger Buster also did not work after some time. Thanks : )
keren2. mantab.
I'm sorry. I have been used your TopTenCommenters. But I modified it a little. I just changed the number with "[ ]". Thanks for all. Regards. Seno.
its ok, as long you dont remove the links :D its the only way I build and grow my backlinks :D thanks for using it.
Thanks for the inspiration. I just make it and get the RSS and it's work! Thank you so much :)
hi ty so much this is great xxx
hey, i saw your widget on one of my blogger friends' blog and thought I had to have one as well... :D this is so great, thanks for sharing it for free... :D
Thanks for the widget!
Really a valuable widget. It didn't work first time for me. I'm going to give another try. Thanks
It's not working on my blog:(. Any solutions?
ok I found your problem...
when you put your url... dont insert the "/" (slash) after .com
Yes this is great, i have added in my blog for 5 top comentators
i've added this widget in my blog. how long does it take to appear in my blog? cheers:)
well actually it should be instant... try to remove it first and reinstall it, and don't forget see carefully your url, don't use / (slash) at the end of your URL
i've got it right. thanks a lot, much appreciated.
thank you so much for this widget. now i get to monitor my top commenters and show my appreciation to them. please drop by my site to see your widget.
now the widget is in both of my sites- and
again, thank you for this. you are a genius!
thanks untuk widget bagusnya
hi Mxyzplk,
Your name is cool ;) Found your superb widget from mariuca's blog and added to mine. Just making a minor edit to the link code to make it simpler and easier to read. Hope you don't mind. Thanks very much for your superb widget!!!
thanks! =)
Now this is a better widget!
Thanks for sharing and I changed my former widget which is not counting properly. Read about it here
Dear friend
I happy to try this widget at my blog. Thanks.
hello, thanks for sharing the widget . i want to try it. Is it free? ;)
makasih banyak postingannya sobat
hihi~~ i try to use at my blog but seems not so successful, I notice you are very helpful. mind to guide me?
msn: (use more frequent)
Thanks and appreciated. =)
where i want to edit..i only want to post top 5 commentator
Dear pro computerian,
You promised to admen this gadget from showing(5) to (5 comments)....
I am still waiting. :p
Good day!
bravo!...great job, dude...!!
I'm super confused. You've said in several comments that this widget is for top commenters per month. However, on my blog its definitely counting more than the past month. How do I fix it so it's just for the current month?
not this widget but this
not this time I'm still busy for my final exam.
@blog buat bisnis
thank you...
Thanks for your widget
hi mxyzplk! Remember me? LOL.. anyway I was wondering why this widget stopped counting on my blog. I have increased comenters and it doesn't show anymore. Is it in conflict with my commentluv widget? If so, and if you know how to resolve this, please do drop by my blog/s Thanks!
I put your widget on my blog today but had to remove it because I couldn't get it to do three things. Please let me know what I need to do and I will put it back. 1) It has combined two of my commenters who have the same name into one (their name was listed as my #2 person even though individually neither would be my #2 commenter). 2) During my blog's year I shortened my name so it's filtering me now but not the comments I left on my blog responding to others in the past. 3) It is filtering "anonymous" but I am okay with letting that one show up.
I like the widget so let me know how I can do these things and I'll put it back up. Thanks!
The filter only works on 2 nicks, your name when entering the form, and filters anonymous as default.
Well, I'm really sorry for this problem but I'm really busy for my exam and I also focus for web datafeed for affiliate store.
i posted the widget in my 2 blogs and they are working great. thank you so much! GOD BLESS!
Thanks its working well.
Hi, can you teach me how to change the top commentor to a weekly or monthly one? My is accumulating throughout!
I got this widget from foongpc's blog : foongpc.
Please assist :) Thanks!
there is a different widget, weekly and monthly widget, but I'm not sure its working properly, because I haven't updating it for more than 6 months. you can go to blogger widget and get the monthly and weekly..
but remember, I'm not sure the widget is working properly...
thanks alot! I will give it a try ;).
I tried to take the monthly.. but I couldn't get the codes right.. it gave me weird symbols.. should I remove my current widget first before trying to add another one?
not really, you don't have to remove the current widget first. try to refresh or something else, I already try the top comment of the month and its work fine.
Hi there,
Please drop by to check the widget. I installed the monthly one, requested for 10 commentors but it still shows 5 only and it isn't arranged by the amounts of comment count they have?
well that comment is counted for the last month comment, do you know how many comment last month is? and is it possible that you only have 5 commentator last month? and that is it the correct amount of comment last month? well let see next month on august, I will monitor your blog and the comment widget too.
I see..
Well, I don't know my count for the last month... but I do know for example a friend blogger named Ayie commented last month a number too, but her name isn't on the list. Well, lets see how it goes next month to tell :). Thanks alot.
Well, it is August now.. and it shoul dbe showing my July'09 commentors? But it still shows only 5.
and it isn't arranged accordingly to the number of comment counts? Please assist.
Sorry to bother... but are you around to assist?
Ryan!! I sent u a DM on twitter, is there something wrong with the widget? It's not showing any names at the moment boo hoo, coming up to 2 weeks! Pls help if u can, thanks so much! :)
thank for sharing nice info
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